Does anyone have a guy who wont fix anything around the house?

2006-12-04 2:04 pm
I have to do everything from taking out the garbage to hanging shelves to changing light bulbs and fixing anything thats broken. My guy says he's not a mr fix-it and he would hire someone to do that stuff. I say come on,,your too lazy to change a lightbulb for your spouse? He thinks he makes too much money to have to do any menial labor. Need I say I also have to do all of the housework(he refuses to help me) and child care and pet care. This guy wants to buy a house,,,, who do you think would be doing all the yard work? Me! Because he really does not make THAT much money, at least enough to have left over to pay a yard service. How do other couples live???

回答 (9)

2006-12-04 2:25 pm
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Mine does stuff, some i have to teach him to do...
2006-12-04 2:12 pm
Yeah , especially when they have got money
2006-12-04 2:12 pm
OMG!! I deal with this everyday.. And my fiance is a carpenter. build houses for a frickin living but cant fix anything around his own house.. Its just called pure laziness.... Just this last weekend, I had to fix a leaking pipe under the sink, cause it had been broke for 5 months... The funny thing is , he claims he makes more money than me.. yeah maybe by the hour, but not by the week.. I bring home more than he does, and he still takes his sweet *** time fixing anything if at all.... Granted he does dishes once in awhile, but when it comes to fixing things that I cannot do, such as the back porch is falling down, well you know it will be laying on the ground or blown off by the wind before he will get to it.. I bought this house 4 yrs ago and I think he has mowed the yard maybe 3 times, the rest as been me doing it...I know what your going through, and it sucks big time.. But I guess if we want something done we have to do it ourselves.. even though I have thought about going on strike.. lol.. Good Luck.. We all need it.. lol..
2006-12-04 2:08 pm
dont know - perpetual singleton at your service.....

be a strong woman and do it yourself then when he dies before you (which he will) you wont be left floundering with no clue as to how to run the house....

alternatively, hire a handy-man and pay him in kind.....(?)
2006-12-04 2:16 pm
sully....i put my hand up to this partner is the DIY from hell...he can't do anything like that...he tries though but he makes a mess of for putting out the rubbish he's lazy in that way, he wont wash a plate after him, leaves ash on the floor after a ciggy, leaves his stinky socks under the bed and dirty clothes all over the bathroom, NEVER cleans the bath after him and leaves the soap in the water to go soggy....his daughters are exactly the same...all in their 20's so my house is left like a tip when they have been here...that's why i got him a flat of his home is squeaky clean now...when we lived together i was the one that did all the DIY i am pretty good at that, so my college work paid off eventually...even when he comes to stay i still have a trail of debris to pick up...but i worry about his daughters because they are so lazy and will NOT clean after themselves, and to make matters worse...he wont clean after them either even their OWN mum has complained to me about them, so she must be geting fed up too....2 of them have kids and i have been there and seen dirty nappies all over the place...the youngest i call her the (sit down mum) because that's all she does is sit on her bum with a baby bottle shoved in her sons mouth..she spends more time with the remote control than she does with her's not my business really but when it's in my home...i have alot to say about it....but man cannot even butter toast without making a mess of it.....some men eh....they just dont and wont....
2006-12-04 2:13 pm
tell this to his parents and let them to make him to share the housework
2006-12-04 2:10 pm
I do what I can but mostly it just stays broke or never gets done. I do take out the trash, clean the pool, take care of all household chores, take care of him, and pay all the bills. I work full time but so does he. I work a very physical job and would love to lay around. He works at a desk. He comes home watches TV, eats and goes to bed. It is VERY AGGRAVATING to deal with but I love him and I know he won't change. So I overlook it, it just seems like a minor thing in the grand scheme of things.
2006-12-04 2:12 pm
Actually there's no reason that household chores have to be sex segregated - the woman can do the household repair stuff and the man can do the cleaning and washing (I actually know a single girl who brought a house and fixed it up all by herself, without any help from a man).

But that's not really the problem here!

The underlying issue is that your man is a lazy S.O.B. who doesn't do anything around your house but take up space.

And you're right - if you guys buy a house YOU"LL be mowing the lawn and raking leaves too!

Basically, you need to give this bum an ultimatum - assign certain household chores to him and, if he doesn't do them LEAVE THEM UNDONE!

For instance, if you assign him to do laundry, and he doesn't do it, DON'T WASH HIS CLOTHES

Then, when he gets up to go to work Monday morning, and he doesn't have a single clean shirt or pair of socks, he'll know that he HAS to do his share, or it won't get done
2006-12-04 2:11 pm
my boyfriend used to be like that. playing video games all day. i used to have to beg him to take out the garbage and yell for him to change the light bulb. my suggestion. if the garbage has not formed an odor yet leave it for him. when the lights blow. let him sit in the dark and when he asks for something dont get say" rememeber that day when i asked you to ...? he will finally realize. and who pays to have someone change a light bulb. **** what is your address i will change it if he'll pay me!!!

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