
2006-12-05 7:00 am
我打個句式+例句比你,,你再作多3句就OK GA LA..!!=]

句式* it is/it's+adjective+to-infinitive

例句* It's important to exercise reglarly.

回答 (4)

2006-12-05 7:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
It is essential to study hard.
It is compulsory for her to finish the work on time.
It is nice of him to help.
參考: self knowledge, Grammarway3
2006-12-05 7:19 pm
It is calm to fight with my student!
參考: me
2006-12-05 8:40 am
It's important to visit the dentist regularly!
It's the best to brush your teeth three times a week!
It's recommened to sleep early.
It's vital to drink 8 glasses of water daily.

2006-12-05 00:44:34 補充:
sorry, i mean It's the best to brush your teeth three times a day! hehe!! =]
2006-12-05 7:11 am
It is useful (for you) to read more supplementary books.

You are better to do more exercises.

They are united enough to play the game.

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