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This is compulsory education which children are required by law to receive and governments to provide.
Compulsory education at the primary level was affirmed as a human right in the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In Hong Kong, the compulsory education is the six years of education in primary schools (universal primary education) and the first three years in secondary schools (junior secondary education), known as "nine year free education".
Primary education
Eight main areas at two stages (P1-P3 and P4-P6):
1 - Chinese (including language/literture and the use of madarin)
2 - English
3 - Mathematics
4 - Sciences (combined*)
5 - Technology (combined*)
6 - Economics (combined*)
7 - Arts (Including music and visual arts)
8 - Physical Education
Secondary education
1 - Chinese (Language and literature)
2 - English
3 - Mathematics
4 - Combined sciences
5 - History (world-wide)
6 - Chinese history
7 - Information technology
8 - Economics
9 - Home economics
10 - Arts (musical and visual arts)
11 - Physical education
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