想問 permutations

2006-12-05 4:56 am
There are seven letters A,B,C,D,E,F and G.
the no of arrangements that can be made so that

(a) A before C ?
(b) A before C and C before E ?
(c) in how many ways in (b) will C after A ?

Ans: (a) 2520 (b) 840 (c) 360

想問點解 ?

想問(b) part 可唔可以 解釋下點解係 5040 / 6 ? 6同 A before C and C before E 有咩關係 ?

回答 (2)

2006-12-05 5:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
The number of ways to arrange A, B, C, D, E, F & G randomly = 7! = 5040
(a) A before C
 It is equal chance for A before or after C,
 therefore, the no. of arrangement that A before C = 5040 / 2 = 2520
(b) A before C, and C before E
 Just consider A, C & E, there are 6 different sequence of arrangement.
 therefore, the cases for A before C, and C before E = 5040 / 6 = 840
(c) All cases in (b) should have C after A.
 So, I assumed the question should be: C immediate after A
 If so, we may group AC together, and consider to be 1 new letter.
 Then, now we have only 6 letters : AC, B, D, E, F & G
 The arrangement for these 6 letters = 6! = 720
 However, these 720 arrangement contain AC before E, and AC after E.
 Therefore, the number for arrangement with AC before E = 720/2 = 360
 and all these 360 cases are applied to (b).

2006-12-04 23:44:08 補充:
補充 part (b) 點解 除6:由於 part (b) 的要求只 要 A在C之前, 各C在E之前,所以其他的字母並不構成影響,可以不作考慮。只考慮 A,C,E 3個字母, 其排序有6個不同組合的先後次序,而我們只抽出順序為 A,C,E 的1項.所以可能性是所以組合的 6分之1.
2006-12-05 6:42 am
(b)....." Just consider A, C & E, there are 3! =6 different sequence of arrangement. ... "
參考: vsloy

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