US VISA 可出入US多少次, 可以留多久?

2006-12-05 2:44 am

想問US VISA 有無規定可出入US多少次, 每次可以留多久? 每年可以留多久?

回答 (4)

2006-12-07 10:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
可不可以多次境美國就要睇你的美國簽證屬於邊一類. 多數的 multi entry visa 都係十年有效期內無限次數的進出. 而停留時間長短就要睇返你入境個時個關員批幾耐俾你. 有時候因為入境的次數太頻密, 所以關員會特別謹慎, 亦都會問多啲問題去判斷你的目的而決定你的停留時期.
而我自己就試過三月過去, 停六個月, 九月返. 跟住十一月又過去半年. 所以我唸一年內只可以 total 停留 180日係唔成立的. 不過真係係第二次入境的時候問左好多問題, check 過我個 visa 好多次.
參考: 自己經驗
2006-12-05 11:44 pm
想問US VISA 有無規定可出入US多少次, - No, if it is multiple entry
每次可以留多久? Depends on the stamp they put on your passport. Often is 3 months
每年可以留多久? undefine
My mother used to go to USA very often. One time she wanted to stay there for 6 months. So I wrote a letter for her and explained that because of my sister-in-law pregnacy and because she wanted to see other grandchild's graduation, so they gave her 6 months stay. But normally the US custom does not want people to travel there too often too long, the reason is if you need to stay there for 6 months, you should apply for the working visa or green card and pay US tax.
2006-12-05 11:03 pm
如果您係簽左10 年visa, 出入係無限制, 而亦無規定一年內只可以留多少天,
至於您入境可留的天數, 時乎海關的officer, 視乎您來美國的目的, 由兩星期至半年不等, 不過有某些海關officer 會懷疑您出入頻繁的目的, 或故意為難, 只要您對答ok, 都唔會有太大問題,

i have experience and i am living in usa. i hope i can help u.
2006-12-05 2:50 am
一般 usvisa 是 十年期....無限次數...而停留限期一般是過關時 關員決定的

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