
2006-12-05 1:30 am
He always did not worry as if the others are any regard his behavior.

回答 (4)

2006-12-05 2:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
He never worries how others regard his behaviour.

Others 前最好冇 the,有 the 就好像是包含「其餘」的意思。
Alwas did not worry 來表達「常常不在乎」 不太好,用 never worry (從不在乎) 比較好。
句中的 as if 的用法不當,as if 本身是有「彷彿‧‧‧」的意思。
2006-12-05 2:00 am
He never worried of what people's thought of his behaviour
2006-12-05 1:54 am
He does not always worry no matter how the others regard his behavior.
2006-12-05 1:36 am
Most of the time he won't worried that any people are regard his behavior.
參考: Mine

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