
2006-12-05 12:03 am
甚麼叫做爭戰式的禱告??? 因基督教是信奉唯一真神及排除異教, 是否可在祈禱中可以說一些話如降天火燒關帝廟、觀音廟及天台廟,甚至說方言困縛撒旦及魔鬼,目的乃趕絶一切異端及邪靈??? 這是否極端???

回答 (3)

2006-12-06 2:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
I personally do not know what 爭戰式的禱告 is. It is obviously that the kind of prayer you proposed is totally unbiblical.

In Matther 5:38-47, Jesus teaches us to not to revenge, and to pray for those who persecute us.

I don't understand why some people here express so much anger towards God, Jesus Christ, Christianity, and Christians. I would like to apologize for my brothers and sisters in Christ who have hurt you in the past. Christians are normal human being and ordinary sinners. I am sorry but we are very weak. God is our strength because He gives us enternal hope and that motivates us to become a better person. We may have said or done things inappropriately and I would like to ask for your forgiveness. Attacking those who have hurt you and see them speechless may seem fun at one time but in a long run it is destructive to your own well-being. God is righteous. God loves therefore God also punishes. He is able to distinguish sincere Christians from the fake one. If you think you have seen way too many fake Christians pretending to be nice people walking around the street and claimed themselves to be righteous and that annoys you so much that you think you can't take it anymore, God will do the work for you. God will judge and a price will have to be paid somehow. You may not see them suffering right now, but when the time come there will be the consequences.

I hope this would make some people feel better.
參考: The Holy Bible
2006-12-09 8:37 am
God bless. ^^
2006-12-05 12:54 am
係 一般來說, 唔係.
只係 佢地....

問題只在於, 佢地唔係 要求燒人, 燒物....對象只係 為了 救一d迷惑了的 心靈...
不是 為了 破壞甚麼....
睇事的 時候多d看 對方的動機,就係了

同埋, 排除異教?一字

如果 在救恩的上面 唔係 只有上帝的話 就不用此了, 那不是 異教中的人
係 異教人 的像....
只需要 去問一個 問題, 如果唔係 神 願意的 事, 誰人 能 去做甚麼呢?
我地唔會去睇 果個 祈禱內容係唔全對...
只會 從 <結果中 ,發生了咩事> 來明白 咩係 神的心意, 神會 聽的,
咩係 人自己諗的...

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