有無時間傾下 - 點講?

2006-12-04 8:32 pm
有時打電話比人/同事, 會先問一問對方有無時間, 方便講幾句嘛之類的開場白, 想問, 外國人, 呢種情況會點講?

回答 (7)

2006-12-05 1:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
There are so many ways to say this. It depends on what tone and mood you want to say it in!

Hey are you free right now? You have time for a quick chat?

Are you busy right now? Can you talk now?

Are you free at the moment? Is it ok if I have a quick chat with you?

Would you have a spare moment to talk right now?

Would you be free to talk right now?
參考: me!
2006-12-05 6:29 am
I will use the following sentences to ask to my American friends:

Can we talk?
Do you have a minute?
Do you have time to chat?
2006-12-05 1:05 am
有無時間傾下 - 點講?
有時打電話比人/同事, 會先問一問對方有無時間, 方便講幾句嘛之類的開場白, 想問, 外國人, 呢種情況會點講?

2006-12-05 12:36 am
Could you spare me a few minutes?
2006-12-04 10:19 pm
I was wondering if you are free / available to talk on the phone for a few minutes

May I use a few minutes of your time to talk to you about......
參考: me
2006-12-04 8:58 pm
Are you free ?
Have you got any time to chat?
Can I have a chat with you ?
2006-12-04 8:40 pm
''Do you have any time to talk with me?''I think you can say this.

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