isn't he hate me?

2006-12-04 8:31 pm
I'm actually 12..
and I'm in America..
so he's an american
i don't really friend with him and don't talk to him much..we don't even say hi
i took he waterbottle twice..and after this he seem like hates me more and never talk to me..
he doesn't even answer me..
isn't he hate me because of i teasingly took his waterbottle??help.what should i least i want to be friend with him.

By the way.. either you should type chinese or english..please and i am kind of the know.. how about if i just ask his friend isn't he hate me because of i teasingly took his waterbottle??

回答 (2)

2006-12-04 10:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你要先搞清楚佢係唔係咁既人先,如果唔係你咪主動d同佢講野同say sorry囉
2006-12-04 8:37 pm
Talk to him, really. Let him know what's your mind. Don't be scared. Ask him to be a friend. I live in Hong Kong but I will support you.

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