California Fitness members - deal with Personal Trainers(PT)

2006-12-04 8:27 pm
The PT in California Fitness are persistent in selling their program and they do not mind wasting your time while you are exercising. I avoid them, stop using the gym equipment and just go to the group exercise classes. I am now thinking of returning to use the gym equipment but they probably will come back to haunt me again. What was your experience? Are the PT not as persistent in your own California club? Could other members share with me on how to deal with them without being rude to them?

回答 (3)

2006-12-06 1:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
I have the same experience as you.

You can avoid by:

1. Totally avoid eye contact with them;

2. When they speak to you, you are politely tell them that you are busy and want to concentrate at your workout;

3. If they keep talking to you after 1 & 2, then you may have to show a "long face", and then ask them to leave you. This should work.

Hope the above may help you.
2006-12-05 6:26 am
I agree to listen the MP3 during excises if you really don't like they disturb you, or you can tell them you already have one trainer but dating the other day.
2006-12-04 9:03 pm
I have the same experience with you. I think I will listen to mp3 when I work out. If they disturb me, I will tell them I won't join there program directly. Actually, I dun wan to waste my time.

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