english jokes wanted...

2006-12-04 6:21 pm
short ones please...
and people can easily understand...

as more as possible....

回答 (3)

2006-12-05 1:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
Why did the boy put sugar under his pillow?
Because he want sweet dreams!

Where do you learn to make an icecream sundae?
At Sundae (Sunday) School!

How do bees come to school?
On a school buzz (bus)!

Why was 9 afraid of 7?
Because 7 8 9 (seven ate nine)!

Visit this website! There are many jokes!
2006-12-05 10:37 am
How do you call a deer without an eye?
No idea!(no eye deer)

How do you call a deer without a bleeding eye?
No bloody idea!(no bleeding eye deer)(ps: bloody is a swear word)

Girl friend & boy friend go for a movie. In the dark, a mosquito enters the girl's skirt. Guess where it would have bitten?
he boy's hand

What is the closest thing similar to a woman's period?
Your salary, it comes once a month lasts about 5-days and if it doesn't come means you are in big trouble.

What's the difference between biology and sociology?
When the baby looks like his dad or mom, then it is biology. When the baby looks like the neighbour, then it is sociology.

Doctor: You look so weak & exhausted. Are you having 3 meals a day as I have advised?
Lady: Doctor, I thought you had said 3 males a day
2006-12-04 6:39 pm
One day, daughter came home. Her mother is angry. What happened to you? You are raped? Yes, mom. What did I tell you? If someone touches your top you say, don't! When someone touches your bottom, you say stop! Yes, I did. But he touches both of them at the same time, so I say don't stop!

A woman came out from the bus, not knowing her clothes is not closed. A man told her, excuse me, you did not close your buttons. When she notice. She shouted, OH NO! I left my baby on the bus!!!

How many jokes you want, anyway?
參考: my jokes from jokebook

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