Who is Mitchell?

2006-12-04 6:17 pm
Who is Mitchell?

回答 (3)

2006-12-06 3:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
George Allan Mitchell (30 August 1911- 24 January 1944) was an English recipient of the Victoria Cross, the highest and most prestigious award for gallantry in the face of the enemy that can be awarded to British and Commonwealth forces.

[edit] Details
He was 32 years old, and a private in The London Scottish (Gordon Highlanders), British Army during the Second World War when he was awarded the VC.

On 23/24 January 1944 at Damiano Ridge, Italy, when an advance was held up by enemy machine-guns firing at point-blank range, Private Mitchell charged alone up the hill through intense Spandau fire, jumped into the weapon pit and killed the crew. The advance then continued, but shortly afterwards was again held up and this time Private Mitchell's assault on the position resulted in six of the enemy killed and 12 taken prisoner. He led two more successful attacks before falling dead, shot by one of the enemy who had surrendered.

hpe to help you^^
2006-12-04 6:54 pm
History of Mitchell
by Jeff Routh

Mitchell is a railroad town - pure and simple. If you don't believe it, ask the approximately 5,000 people that have to deal with the 19 or so trains that pass through the town each day.
But it is because of those railroads, and the trains that come with them, that Mitchell even exists today. In the mid-to-late 1840s railroads were expanding from the east coast and heading into the heartland of America. The Baltimore & Ohio came as far as Cincinnati, as did many other lines, but few went any further. A railroad ran from New Albany to Salem and it was decided to extend that line all the way to Chicago. That line was constructed through Lawrence County, stopping at White River in April of 1851. The first train came through the county a month later.
During the same time period, the movers and shakers in Cincinnati decided that a faster trade route from Cincinnati and St. Louis should be developed. It took at least a week for goods to be shipped from one city to the other. So, the broad-gauge Ohio & Mississippi Railroad was born. Construction began on both ends of the line and worked to the middle. Progress was slow and survey crews made changes to the original route - so did the promise of free land. Such was the case in our area, land owners in southern Lawrence County were so happy to have the railroad come through, they gave them the right-of-way for the line. Only three deeds for land in Lawrence County were transferred by purchase to the railroad. At the point where the New Albany and Salem Railroad crossed the proposed line for the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad, a town was platted. That town was Mitchel - the second "l" was added later.
John Sheeks owned the land that was to become Mitchell. On Sept. 29, 1853, he sold half interest in the land to George W. Cochran, a Cincinnati businessman and railroad supporter. They contracted Ormsby McKnight Mitchel, a West Point graduate and professor at the University of Cincinnati, to survey the town as he was completing his survey of the proposed railroad route. In exchange for his service, the town would be named after him.
It would still be several years before the first trains on the O&M would start rolling, but in 1857 the two construction crews met just east of Mitchell (near Rivervale) and the road was complete. The first train passed through Mitchell just a short time later. Several hotels and saloons soon began to be built along the railroad. Much of Mitchell's early expansion was based on the two railroads and the business it brought into town. Mississippi Avenue, which runs along the O&M tracks, became known as "Whiskey Row," because of the number of saloons lining the track.
The original plat of Mitchell stretched from First St. in the east to Stevens St. (now known as 9th St.) in the west. Vine Street was the southern boundary and Oak Street was the northern town line. There was a total of 640 total lots in within the unincorporated town. In 1864 citizens of the town voted to incorporate the town and a board of trustees was elected. These trustees attempted to make improvements to life in town, but it wasn't easy. The streets were muddy during the rainy season and blew like a duststorm during dry weather. All sorts of animals, including hogs, cattle and chicken, roamed the streets and made it a not very pleasant existence. At the time of incorporation, Mitchell had a population of 822 residents.
In 1907, Mitchell moved from an incorporated town to a city. William L. Brown was elected at the city's first mayor. Brown ran on the City Ticket and failed to complete the full term of his office. He resigned in 1909 and moved his family and business to Texas. In 1908 the city established its first office, probably in the upstairs room above what is now the Greater Mitchell Chamber of Commerce. A safe was also acquired in which to keep proper records.
2006-12-04 6:53 pm


艾德加·迪恩·米切爾(Edgar Dean Mitchell,1930年9月17日 – )曾是一位美國國家航空暨太空總署的太空人,執行過阿波羅14號任務。執行阿波羅14號任務時,米切爾成為了第六個踏上月球的人。

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