Please, correct my sentence

2006-12-04 4:50 pm
我想問 report speech 是不是沒有past continue tense
例如 he said that found a piece of reflective paper had been stuck on the wall while he was cleaning the floor.

回答 (3)

2006-12-04 7:38 pm
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是可以的,但記得在reported speech也要依照其他敘事文的規則,如時式要一致(Sequence of Tense),若是要間接敘述法出現,則要注意,主要子句的動詞為現在時式時,從屬子句的動詞就不受限制,但若主要子句的動詞為過去時式時,從屬子句的動詞,必須是過去時式,或過去完成時式。


He said that he had found a piece of reflective paper stuck on the wall while he had been cleaning the floor.

(其實stuck on the wall,這個己經是形容詞片語,毋須用had been stuck on the wall)

2006-12-04 11:50:25 補充:
為甚麼要用Past Perfect tense,若我們將它主要子句轉為現在式時,大約是He says that he found a piece of reflective paper stuck on the wall while he was cleaning the floor.所以,我們看到在主要子句為現在式時,從屬子句也是過去式,所以當主要子句為過去式時,從屬子句就要用過去完成式和過去完成進行式(在一般的情況下)
2006-12-04 6:06 pm
It should be changed to:

He said that he found a piece of reflective paper stuck on the wall while he was cleaning the floor.


He said while he was cleaning the floor, he found a piece of reflective paper that stuck on the wall.
2006-12-04 5:42 pm
He said that he found a piece of reflective paper stucking on the wall while he
was cleaning the floor.
You canstill use past continue tense.

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