Please, correct my sentence

2006-12-04 4:46 pm
我想問 report speecd 是不是沒有 past continue tense
例如 he said that he found a piece of reflective paper had been stuck on the wall, while he was cleaning the floor.

回答 (1)

2006-12-04 9:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Reported Speech 也可以有 past continuous tense 的。


Direct Speech:Tony said,'I am doing homework.'
Reported Speech:Tony said he was doing homework.

但如果 direct speech 裏已有 past continuoss tense, reported speech 要寫 past perfect continuous tense.

Direct Speech:Tony said,'I was doing homework yesterday'.
Reported Speech:Tony said he had been doing homework yesterday.

至於 「he said that he found a piece of reflective paper WHICH/THAT had been stuck on the wall, while he was cleaning the floor.」

這句話,前半句的確是 reported speech。
但後半句卻不屬於 reported speech 的子句 (clause),因此它跟 reported speech 無關。

這句的 direct speech 是:
He said,'I find a piece of reflective paper which has been stucked on the wall.' while he was cleaning the floor.

總之,direct speech 有的時態,reported speech 都會有。


在你的例句中,逗號之前是子句 1,之後是子句 2。子句 1 才是 reported speech,也是 main clause (主要子句);子句 2 只是 subordinate clause,不能獨立出現。兩句子句連接就是 complete sentence,是 complex sentence 的一種。


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