First of all, I am sorry but I totally disagree with the first response.
"如果沒有災難﹐ 人不會需要神" is simply not true. First you have to understand the relationship between human and God. God is our "heavenly Father". What is the relationship between your parent and you? Moreover, when would you not need your parents? I think anyone who enjoys a healthy relationship with their parents would never say that "I don't need my parent". And of course, if you don't see God as your Father, those questions that I proposed would not be relevant. But I can tell you that in Christianity, God is the "heavenly Father" of people. And since this question is asked under the context of Christianity, of course the answer has to be from the point of view of Christian. I hope this makes sense.
Anyways, back to the question posted. A higly relevant passage from the Bible would be John 9:1-11. Please do not take this passage out of context however. Jesus was asked, "whose sin caused this man to be born blind --- his own sin or his parents' sin?" Jesus replied, "It is not this man's sin or his parents' sin that made him be blind. This man was born blind so that God's power could be shown in him." Please do not take this wrong. God doesn't have to make people miserable to make Himself seems "more powerful". The fact that He created the Earth already shows how powerful He is. God doesn't have to make someone disabled so that people have to "beg" for mercy to show that He is a loving God. The fact that Jesus Christ became a human, lived among us and died for us already shows how much God loves us. God is love and God is power. He doesn't have to do things to "prove" he has those qualities because He simply IS.
Now let's look at the question --- "點解神要一開始就俾有d 人天生就有殘障, 咁樣令個d人痛苦". The first assumption here is people who has disability (殘障) must be suffered from a "painful" life. The second assumption is that God assigns certain people to be born disabled.
Let's deal with the first assumption first. I do not think that people who has disability has to be suffering. There are many many testimonies Christians as well as non-Christian living an abundent life even with their physically disability. Physically illness does not make a person also suffer from mentally illness. People can be sick yet happy. These two things can co-exist. 2nd, our God is a God who allows us to have difficulties because we became stronger by overcoming our challenges. I do not think anyone on this planet has an "absolutely perfect" life. Some people may "suffer" from physical illness, some may suffer from relationship problems... People can only be "better" if they "become better".
Physically difficulties is a problem of many many many other problems that we have. It is sure that people who is able to overcome their problems would feel much better about themselves.
The best person to ask would be those who has physically disability. Here is a link to an interview:
" 天生失去雙手的盧佩鏞,從來沒怨天尤人,反而奮力闖出自己的路,成為香港著名的口足畫家,以腳畫出人生色彩,一向堅毅的她,終於遇上了生命中最大的挑戰---爸爸的離世⋯" TV0735 - 足本色彩 (sobem video)
I hope this helps.
God bless.
2006-12-04 13:53:59 補充: - 因禍得福 (Another testimony from SOBEM) 一場交通意外,為大好青年林衍廷帶來了終生的殘障,除卻肉體受到極度痛苦之外,亦為家庭添上深切的哀愁。然而這個被人視為噩夢開始的咒詛,竟是林家的一份祝福。意外喚醒了人的自我陶醉,傷殘搗破了人與人之間的冷漠,神的大愛與大能,更成為了一家常常喜樂,勇敢面對明天的根源。