These two are great questions. Thank you for bringing this up.
I think some people have already provided excellent insights from Christian point of view so I am just giving additional answer to the 2nd question: "話有一卷古卷話,猶大彼得之所以唔認耶穌,係耶穌叫彼得唔好認佢...之後可彰顯耶穌既偉大"
Since Christian belief is entirely based on the Bible, I am not going to discuss anything that is not from the Bible or the teaching of the Bible.
In Luke 22:33-34, Jesus told Peter that he would deny Jesus three times even Peter was so sure that he would even die for Jesus. And of course, we know that later on Peter did deny Jesus three times. (Luke 22:54-62)
This incident surely shows that Jesus is not just some ramdon guy calling himself the Son of God; he turly is the Son of God. More importantly, we can learn that God knows about our weakness way ahead of time. We are human and we are weak. We stumble and we fail. God knows about all this. These "bad" things, however, are meant to be able to train us to be a stronger person. In verse 61 Peter remembered what Jesus said earlier and in verse 62 he went outside and cried. God knows how we are going to fail even before we are created. Yet, He loves us just as much. Peter cried, and surely those are not tears of joy. Think about ourselves --- when and why do we cry. I think if I am Peter I would cried painfully because I just realized how weak of a person I am and how I just disappointed myself and God. I would be crying and thinking "O I am so terribly sorry God what have I done?! I can't believe I just did that to you! I disappointed myself and you! I thought my faith for you is the strongest but apparently it's not." I cried because I acknowledged my weakness and from that I recongized the love of God further. And after this harsh lesson, I became a stronger and better Christian. Peter reflected his strong will to follow Christ by the ministry he did after the death of Jesus.
I think this answer is also indirectly related to the answer of question 1. Hope I brought up some new perspectives for you.
I know this is a Chinese website but I am a Chinese Canadian --- I can read but I can't type Chinese. Thanks for you patience. And... MERRY CHRISTMAS~
參考: The Holy BIble
"上帝話愛世人,錦點解有d bb 一出世就死"
凡聖潔的,都能進天國,不潔的都會死亡, bb 也會到天國的. 上帝係愛世人的,因為我們時常有罪,罪的工價是死,但今天信主的不用死,這是因為神道成肉身,用他的寶血洗淨我們的罪,令我們重生的,而這絕不是必然的,只因為主愛我們
2006-12-04 02:48:25 補充:
回答者 :耶穌基督您的言論太激了,我不大同意您的歷史~自古中國人拜的是天,天就是神,而基督教所信奉的是天,是無型的,是無樣子的,本是同一神,就是天上之父,您對基督教只有一知半解,只是看到一些而看不到一些,至於您對基督徒的誤解您要好好的看看好了