Can anyone explain Ocean Park - SWOT

2006-12-04 8:34 am
Can anyone explain Ocean Park - SWOT, thanks!!

回答 (2)

2006-12-06 8:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
-Long histroy of establishment since 1977
-originated from HK and it's one of the icons of HK
-Unique Ocean World Experiences (with real sea animals to see)
-Good panoramic view and lies close to the city

-Limitation on land development as it's hilly
-lack of strong financial backup and support and highly rely on itself (need to maintain their own operational cost)
-Relatively less reputate in the international market
-The facilities are relatively old and unattracted to some people
-Although they started the renovation works now but it will not be finsihed in 10 years time. It is questionable if a guest would like to visit a construction sites with limited attractions provided.

-HIgh demand of entertainment from the public as there is stable economic growth
-increase of independent traveller from China as there is relaxation on the tourists' policy

-Direct competition from HK Disneyland
-Potetntial threats from the newly launched of the amsuement parks in China, Singapore and in Japan region.
-The bad arrangement of inbound tour operator for Chinese tours might influence the no. of inbound tourists.
-The increasing no. of world class facilities such as resort, entertainment complex, casino in Macau might attracted tourists ' attention and thus, less people to spend their holiday in HK.
參考: self
2006-12-04 8:57 am
S: 有豐富既節目吸引人入場; 歷史悠久,
W: 地方唔就腳; d 人可能覺得d 遊戲舊, 玩過好多次.
O: 迪士尼好多國家都有, 香港個個更冇特色可言, 外國遊客可能選擇去Ocean Park
T: 有迪士尼做Competitor, 有機會拉低profit
參考: 自己

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