batman vs Spider man....?

2006-12-04 4:10 am

回答 (21)

2006-12-05 7:20 am
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luv these versus questions... Batman and Spidey are among my favorites and know them both very well.

I have to give this to Spidey. Because of Spidey's light-hearted nature, it's easy to forget that he has battled nearly every supervillian Marvel has ever produced. Below is a list of just *a few* of the villians that spidey has fought:

These villians have been among the brightest, the most powerful, the craziest and any combination of these three qualities. He's battled teams of villians (when he took on four of his classic villians and defeated them).

He's also battled heroes such as the daredevil (who never had a chance), x-men (who he made look like amatuers twice to my recollection), wolverine, captain america, etc...

Spidey is a survivalist. He is vastly stronger than Batman. One punch from him would crush batman's skull. Spidey can knock down a brick wall, dent 2-inch steel plating. He has the strength to pick up 10 tons.

He's fast enough to dodge bullets coming from 2-4 armed men from within a closed room. There is nothing batman can throw at him that can touch him.

His reflexes are such that he can stand in front of batman and never be touched. In the process he could pound batman 20 times before batman could retaliate. Batman's punches would mean little to Spidey, though he wouldn't stand around to get hit.

Batman's fighting style is among the best there is - no doubt. It remains a pale comparison to Spidey's style which is natural. Spidey's speed, reflexes, tendons, ability to stick to walls, strength, inhuman flexibility give him a fighting style that no human could ever hope to match. He could fight batman standing from the ceiling or against a wall.

I recall a battle with Dr. Doom in the early days when Doom had prepared extensively to fight the fantastic four. Spidey blundered in and met every single trick, every techno-attack, every bio-chemical assault Doom had prepared for the FF. Keep in mind this was a prepared Doom versus a completely unprepared Spidey. His Spidey sense, speed, reflexes and strength always work together.

I haven't even included his webbing - which is considered to be either as strong as steel and up to 5 times stronger (reference below).

Spidey spends his time holding back, in a fight like this we take it for granted that both heroes are fighting full out. A full out enraged Spidey is among the most fearsome heroes to every grace the pages of Marvel.

Batman would need alot, and I mean, alot of time to prepare for a battle like this. He would need to have an environment setup and have this environment battle Spidey. Even so, under these circumsances - it would be close.

Winner - Spidey
2006-12-04 6:57 am
Batman would win. For those of you who say that Spider-Man would win in a fight, although I'm a Spidey fan the fact stands that Peter Parker relies on his superstrength to come out on top in fights and is really just a brawler who sometimes uses his physics knowledge to apply basic Judo. Compare to Batman who traveled the world for years to hone his martial arts before becomng a superhero. Bats can almost match Spidey's agility and would be able to turn Spider-Man's strength against him. But I feel I must defend Spider-Man as well. To those of you who say that Batman is smarter, have you forgotten that Peter Parker won a full science scholarship and solely devised the chemical formula for his artificial webbing? Nonetheless, the victory still goes to Batman.
2006-12-05 6:55 am
Spiderman has super human powers, Batman is just a man in a suit! Spiderman hands down.
2006-12-05 12:27 am
2006-12-04 9:34 pm
in a random fight, spiderman would destroy batman with or without the Iron Spider armor/costume/suit.

With prep time, batman would beat spiderman unless he had the Iron Spiderman armor given to him by Iron Man then batman would be in trouble (he still might win though, he is a great tactician).

Anyone starting to see a pattern here? Spiderman is now getting his ass kicked all over the place since he betrayed tony stark and and the law and went rogue.
2006-12-04 8:31 pm
Batman. He's smarter and a better fighter. Spiderman is smart too, but he's too emotional and is no match for Batman's tactical mind.
2006-12-04 7:11 pm
Depends: If they met in an alley and had no prior knowledge of the other then Spiderman. He's just to fast, agile, and strong for Batman to beat. Batman has fought foes as strong before but not with the kind of speed Spiderman churns out. Don't forget the webbing and the spidersense.

If Batman had time to scheme and plan for the fight, then Batman. That is his strength. He is Batman the detective afterall. Not that Peter Parker is an idiot. He has planned and set traps for foes before as well. But, Batman's planning is on a whole other level. It would still be a close one that could go either way. Remember, when Batman sprung the trap, Peter Parker's Spidersense would detect it and save him if possible. And, I bet Batsy wouldn't have knowledge of the Spidersense.
2006-12-04 4:41 pm
Batman holds the advantage of being a better stratagist... Yes he has plans to take down every superhero in DC and could easily adjust one of these to take down Spider-man. As for combat ability Batman's skilled martial arts are great enough to compensate for Spidey's agility and brawling. This comes down to Peter's mindset. He is often outpowered and gets the crap beaten out of him... but he pulls through and fights on even when exausted, bloodied, broken and near death. This is what would push him to stand up to Batman's superior combat abilites and land that all important KO punch.

So if the reason they are fighting is important enough to Parker he woln't stop untill he is dead... and Batman DOESN"T kill.
2006-12-04 8:28 am
The question was already answered a few years ago in a comic.
Batman had the advatage because spidey was trasported into batmans cave. it was good they never finished the fight.
參考: What IF comics Crossover
2006-12-04 6:55 am
As a long time reader of Batman and Spider-Man, I would say that Batman wins. And here is why...

Batman is the ultimate strategist. He studies everyone's weaknesses. He also has three or four back plans for everything. Batman was kicked out of the Justice League once because they found out that he had a plan to take everyone of them out if they were to ever go rogue. He would have a plan of attack for Spider-Man. He would have three plans of attack. He took down Superman, he certainly could take down Spider-Man.

Batman doesn't have the luxury of having super powers. He is just a man that has a cause. He is in peak physical condition and peak mental condition. He is a man that stands next to gods and they fear him.

Batman beats everyone.
2006-12-04 5:03 am
Spiderman is no doubt better than batman. Batman has no powers. all he has is the money to buy cool gadgets to assist him in his fight. however i do like his car. cool car.
2006-12-04 4:47 am
I think Batman will win, i agree that batman has no supernatural powers but why do you think Batman is a superhero? because of his skills, his cool mindset in most difficult situation.
I think Batman is someone who has lot of mind, and the fight between both the superheros will became a game of chess, and i don't think spider man is that good at planing and designing weapons. Who knows Batman finds a cure to spidy web.

Although Spider man is quick But Batman is smart.
2006-12-04 4:39 am
spiderman rules he can save my life any day :)
2006-12-04 4:34 am
2006-12-04 4:30 am
2006-12-04 4:22 am
Spiderman would beat the heck out of Batman in a fight.

But you must respect Batman for doing that he does... would Peter Parker be fighting crime if he didn't have powers?
2006-12-04 4:19 am
batman...he is a original superfriend
2006-12-04 4:19 am
Spiderman. With out a doubt. Batman has no powers. He has to use tools. Spiderman would kick his butt.
2006-12-04 4:14 am

he has a cool car
2006-12-04 4:12 am
I take spidey.

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