In your own words please, what is maturity?

2006-12-04 3:35 am

回答 (17)

2006-12-04 3:44 am
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And when he reached his age of full strength and attained maturity, We bestowed wisdom and knowledge upon him; and thus do We reward those who do good.

And We have enjoined on man to be good to his parents. His mother bears him with pain, and brings him forth with pain, and the bearing of him and his weaning takes thirty months till, when he attains his full maturity and reaches the age of forty years, he says, 'My Lord, grant me that I may be grateful for Thy favour which thou hast bestowed upon me and upon my parents, and I may do such righteous deeds as may please Thee. And establish righteousness among my progeny for me. I do turn to thee; and, truly, I am of those who are obedient to thee.'
2006-12-04 11:39 am
-When you can support yourself.
-When you can decide what's right or wrong.
-When you know how to care about others.
-When you know how to make a decision - very important.
-When you can contribute to your family.
2006-12-04 11:41 am
Maturity is the ability to accept your strenghts as well as your weaknesses.

It is the ability to take responsibility for your actions.

It is the ability to put the needs of the many before the needs of the self.

It is the ability to accept and deal with the consequences of your actions.

It is a gaining in wisdom from experience that leads to an ability to choose courses of action more likely to succeed or less likely to result in harm to others.
2006-12-04 11:40 am
To me, true maturity is the ability to see the world outside of yourself - and having honest empathy for those around you. It's being considerate enough not to offend, but also knowing how to stand up for what you believe in.

I believe there are different types of maturity as well - physical and emotional. Obviously the emotional is the more difficult of the two, and once achieved you realize that the world is larger than you, but that you can have a positive or negative impact based on your actions.
2006-12-05 6:32 pm
Not just knowledge of good and bad but personal active responsibility, not just talking the talk.
2006-12-05 4:14 am
interesting question. Those who have qualities I believe are maturity might not be maturity since I find them often in the very young.
One thing for sure people who are petty are not mature no matter what their age. Being quick to condemn without getting to know someone also is immature. It appears we have a lot of immature people here in the USDA. Not once did I hear the question asked "what is that these terrorists are so upset about?" News is only now addressing this, where was it on 9/11, or better yet where was that question the previous 2 times they tried to damage that building??? In my mind that is what the mature do, they understand things early on, and if not necessary do not act until they see the whole picture.
2006-12-04 11:56 am
Maturity is when you experience enough to let go, the resentment you have for the wrongs people have done to you, and not hate or be angry. The ability to know right from wrong, to be of openness, and understanding, and able to listen to what your spirit is telling you, your spirit knows better than the body does.
2006-12-04 11:53 am
If you're lucky it never takes a complete hold on your life
2006-12-04 11:46 am
when your morals are firmly established and remain the same whether anyone's looking or not. When you think of other's well being as being equally important to yours. When you can make your own sound descisions without second guessing or asking advice. When you are sufficiently 'mature' you can let go and act like a kid once in a while without fear of losing status. When you're not just "honey" anymore, you're also "mom".
2006-12-04 11:44 am
Several things:

A sense of yourself that allows you to be who you are.

The bitter-sweet sense of humor about life that develops over the course of living it and that softens its rough edges.

Recognition that you have an effect on others, and that you are responsible for the character or nature of that effect.

The ability to make allowance for other people as they walk their path as best they may.
2006-12-04 11:43 am
Wisdom and self discipline.
2006-12-04 11:42 am
When you let go of foolish ways
God Bless
2006-12-04 11:39 am
The point right before you start deteriorating.
2006-12-04 11:39 am
Is this English 132? Do I have to submit this in essay form? Do I need to document references? Re-submit your question, and ask for a one-word answer, cause I don't have the time or patience to properly answer this right now.
2006-12-05 10:20 pm
Maturity is the ripened state of the mind from where,

1. It can comprehend any given situation {within and without} in its actuality

2. It can experience the relativity of all pairs of opposites like good bad, right wrong, pain pleasure etc.

3. It can reciprocate with the rest of the world with out splashing the colors of its own pre-occupations.
2006-12-04 11:38 am
maturity is the age when you will come to know what is right or wrong and mostly at the age of 18
2006-12-04 11:45 am
When you can stop bickering over petty differences to see someone is in need.

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