my parents wont let me buy american eagle, abercrombie, etc.?? what to do?

2006-12-04 3:25 am
THey r even trying to make me shop a lot less!! i dont think they r that expensive, and better quality . what can i do to persuade them

they wont let me buy w/ my own money

回答 (23)

2006-12-04 3:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
Do your research. First, you need to see why they don't want you buying these clothes. Just ask. Next, you need to back up why you think you should be able to wear them. Do your research. If your parents are the type that like organized presentations, you can even write a report or a powerpoint saying why you should buy the clothes. (You could include quotes from friends about the quality, comparisons of their prices to more expensive brands, explinations of how better quality lasts longer and saves money, etc.) Or, you can just plan what you want to say and talk to them. They'll see that it's important to you. Make sure to include lots of good reasons backing up your point (that being that their clothes are good quality and not to expensive) other than: "Everybody else wears them", or "they're really cute!"

Good luck!
2006-12-04 3:29 am
Um yea my mom doesn't like me too shop there either and i think they have the cutest clothes.. what i do is go online to thier stores and pick out clothes i like then i go to a cheaper store and find something similar and good quality then buy it! or you can always save money and buy your own clothes either one works! :) good luck!
2006-12-04 3:27 am
why do you care so damn much about where you get your cloths?
2006-12-04 3:31 am
Get your own style and shop at random stores! EVERONE wears those clothes and it is sooo boring.
2006-12-04 3:31 am
Well, just from walking by those stores, I can tell they are bad quality. I'm a seamstress and have an eye for good quality fabric and I can tell you American Eagle, A & F, all of those stores that sell similar items and have half naked models a music blarring so loud you can hear it outside of the mall (can't stand any of that stuff), they all have reall cheap material and I don't think it's worth the money you pay for some of it.

Your parents aren't trying to control you or anything. They're trying to save some money and direct you the same way. There's nothing gross or geeky or ugly about that. Once you're on your own and have to buy things for yourself you'll understand why they wanted you to shop more wisely. can go in TJMaxx or Marshall's or Burlington Coat Factory and get the same brands for less. A lot less. If you still like the brands, ask them if you can shop at one of those 3 stores. And they carry so many cute things too.

Even if it's not their money, like you said, they're still trying to tell you something. Save your money, don't spend it on something you could grow out of in a few months.
2006-12-04 3:29 am
Actually, they are pretty expensive...(for me)

Marshalls and Ross are the best! Name brands for a low price.
2006-12-04 3:28 am
how old are you and who's paying for the stuff? if they are, they can tell you where u can or can not shop and how much you can buy. if thats the case, if your old enough to work, then you need to get a job to get the things you want, its a part of growing up.
2006-12-04 3:27 am
Why would you want to shop at those stores anyway? Everybody else is always wearing them . . . where is the fun in that?

"I don't think they r that expensive"
Well, you don't have to earn that money do you?
2006-12-04 3:27 am
Slice them up and stuff em in a suitcase. Then buy all you want.
2006-12-04 3:44 am
Okay do they think they are too showy? It really depends on why they don't want you to! Sit them down and say "Mom and Dad (or Dad and Mom whatever floats your boat) I really like American Eagle and Abercrombie, why wouldn't you let me wear those brands?" Then listen, and actually listen to what your parents are saying. By sitting them down and confronting them it will show that you are really dedicated and really would like them, after showing them this maybe they will understand, or maybe not. Now I can't tell you how to persuade them because I don't know them and I don't know why they wouldn't let you. Maybe you don't treat your clothes like you should and they are trying to teach you and lesson, but you'll never know if you don't ask. Once you find out what's wrong then go from there with your parents, work it out.
2006-12-04 3:35 am
You can find stuff that looks a lot like Abercrombie and American Eagle at places like Old Navy, Forever 21, Charlotte Russe, Marshalls. Just listen to your parents and obey them and that will show them that you might be mature enough to shop there.
2006-12-04 3:27 am
you can buy those brands at an outlet store like ross, tj maxx, marshalls....
2006-12-04 3:32 am
They can't stop you from buying things with your own money. Buy them and change into them on your way to school. Do your own laundry. They'll never know. However, if you choose to spend all / most of your money on brand names then you can't expect your parents to pay for other things like college!
2006-12-04 3:29 am
The best way to persuade an adult, is to have a strong argument, based on FACTS.

The fact that they are ADULTS and your parents means, in all likelihood - with almost 100% certainty...

THEY are correct, and YOU are Mistaken.

When You get there... and look back... you'll understand WHY.

(and therefore, you should be persuading them to do anything)
2006-12-04 3:28 am
Ebay baby!
2006-12-04 3:27 am
How old are you? Are you buying from your own money?
If you're not, then you should listen to your parents. Your parents must have a reason of not buying those clothes to ya. Think about the finance status of your family.

American Eagle and Abercrombie clothes are ugly anyway :)
2006-12-04 6:54 am
The quality in those stores sucks, and their clothing tends to be a bit overpriced, not to mention that nothing in them is original. Find somewhere else you like to shop, and shop there.
2006-12-04 5:51 am
shop for those brands on ebay, can get good stuff, even new stuff for cheaper than the stores.
2006-12-04 3:44 am
Don't go for AE, Abercrombie, etc. because it's something that a wannabe would wear. I don't like those stores anymore b/c one their clothes are the same. Have you seen their polos? Geez! Also, those clothes don't show your identity and it's not stylish anymore. I like going to Nordstrom [but it's pretty expensive so i don't think ur parent would like it- but i like their clothes their more fashionable than abercrombie] I like going to thrift stores, but not like Ross or Loehmanns or Goodwill (that's disgusting-no offense). I like to go to this Korean Store... they have really nice clothes, it's similiar to the clothes at nordstrom and its cheaper and they're under $20 and it's in good quality.
2006-12-04 3:42 am
Depends on how old you are, but if you're old enough.. get a job and then get a credit card and shop online like I do.

plus, they only carry my sizes from AE online.
My parents were verrryyy stingy about me going shopping before, but now that I've got a job and my own bank account with debit/credit, they could care less what packages come in the mail for me.
2006-12-04 3:27 am
Their quality sucks....but the clothes r cute
if ur under 13 dont go there ur too young
if ur 13 or above explain u have a right 2 use ur own $ to shop there....but shop at other stores 2....dont just shop at abercrombie shop at marshalls or old navy 2!
2006-12-04 3:36 am
"My own $"

You have no $. You have what your parents LET you have, because you are a minor living in their house.

If you want it different, declare yourself emancipated, move out, get a job, and show them how independent you are.
參考: former child, now a parent
2006-12-04 3:29 am
o gosh that sux. ur right, they are better quality. they fit better, and last longer. i love AE...i dont know what u can do to persuade them, but they will save a lot more if u buy somethin expensive an wear it a lot than buy a lot of cheap clothes and dont wear them ever..cuz u will just keep buying more.

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