What is the most successful way to commit suicide?

2006-12-04 3:24 am

回答 (14)

2006-12-04 4:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
it is not a success, it is a loss.

Nobody knows what happens after death so better not go there, for all you know, it could be worse....
2006-12-04 6:39 am
what is the most successful way to live on?
2006-12-05 7:57 am
Ann B - do you want to commit suicide?

if so, why don't you talk about some of the circumstances here. i'm sure people would be willing to help.
2006-12-04 3:30 am
Attend college if you dont die of overwhelming stress their terrible food will definitelly do it
2006-12-04 3:29 am
are you just curious or really serious? i have never wanted to know the answer.
2006-12-04 3:26 am
A method which results in DEATH.

Okay... I know... However... I don't want to give ANYONE Ideas or METHODOLOGY which will help someone else - DO THE WRONG THING.
2006-12-04 3:26 am
2006-12-04 6:44 am

It leaves behind guilt-ridden family and friends - who will never get over it.

Please, please, if you are sincere, get mental help. Call a distress centre, go to the Emergence Room, call a therapist, speak to anyone who is trustworthy & ask for help.

I'll send prayers for you. 'It's always darkest before the dawn.' Pray to G-d to guide your thinking & relieve you of inappropriate thoughts.
2006-12-04 6:56 am
ok Ann, ...I think if a person REALLY wants to die bad enough...ANY method would be successful....I`ve tried to end my own life several times!!...of course, it didnt work....& boy, am I glad!!!!...NOW, if you`re asking for yourself...have you talked to anyone??? Even if you are under 18, you can go up to a cop,a doctor[my favorite]school counselor....they LIVE to hear whats going on in your head!!!...dont give up just yet....been there..Pete
2006-12-04 4:43 am
. You should seek counselling your reaching out for help... and if you are not, you are a very very evil person....there is people who have lost loved ones in such a way and to make light of it is...very very wrong. Things always get better...chin up!!!
2006-12-04 3:56 am
Look, please seek counselling.

You'll be astonished at how much better things can get.

Don't quit.
2006-12-04 3:27 am
If you are planning to commit suicide, you should either call your local Crisis Line or go to the emergency room of your local hospital and tell them.
2006-12-04 3:37 am
drink 3 bottles of straight rum and smash the bottles onto your head then use the shards to cut yourself if your still alive. you wont feel it because your drunk
參考: friends
2006-12-04 3:25 am
jump off from a 20 stories high building. If it's not high enough, go for a 30.

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