I have a friend, i lent her a doll its been 1 year and she hasnt return it back what should i do?

2006-12-03 12:48 pm
I really miss that doll!

回答 (29)

2006-12-03 12:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
you can ask your friend: did you take good care of my baby doll,is she good now..i miss her.
2006-12-03 12:58 pm
get your mom talk to her mom and get the doll back
2006-12-03 12:56 pm
a year? why did you lend her the doll? if you really miss the doll, ask it back from her. if not and if you think by asking back it's going to affect the friendship, don't. but keep in mind not to lend her any other stuff from now on.
2006-12-03 12:55 pm
Well if u fall in age (10-15) - then u should go to her and tell her that i don want doll but i got a good doll which is more nicer than this.Make deal so that u can giv her the doll n get yor's.
For age (16-18) - It is stupid to not to asl her back.Ask politely n if yor friend is of yor age would definitely giv u back.
For age (18 n above) - U can make a deal that we share doll alternatively n keep with each other.Once she is ready don't giv doll back n tell her that u lost.
BUT THE THING IS i can't figure it out why u need help of us to solve.It is so simple to get back.
I wonder u did this just for sake of asking or u really mean?
2006-12-03 12:51 pm
Well you can mention about that DOLL indirectly in front of her and say taht you really LIKE IT ! .. and still if she DOSENT get it then remind her that she has you DOLL ... THAT`s IT !
Pleasure to HELP !
2006-12-03 12:50 pm
Break into her house and take the doll. Then the next time she comes over and sees the doll, just stare at her and mutter under your breath.
2006-12-03 12:50 pm
too shy to make demands? talk about it in passing... hey, Rachel, I just got some new accessories or I'm missing a doll in my collection... if she bites or gets the hint, she'll say she'll birng it later. She doesn't bite=you have to be blunt and ask for it straight and honest. Yo, where's my doll?
2006-12-03 12:50 pm
Go to her house, and in front of her parents, mention how long she's had your doll, and ask for it back. Immediately!
2006-12-03 12:49 pm
Just tell her you would like your doll back. Sheesh.
2006-12-03 12:51 pm
First you should ask her to give you back the doll and if she didnt give it back tell your mom and your friend mom will talk and see what the sistution is

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