Are you an animal lover?

2006-12-03 12:02 pm
At what level of animal loving are you?
I hate people who wear fur, but cockroaches, insects and rats don't have my sympathy.
I occassionally eat chicken, but thats about it. I am not comfortable eating non-veg.
How about you?

回答 (27)

2006-12-03 12:09 pm
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animal lovin is banned in my country

seriously, i really enjoy animals. i'm neither cat or dog, i like them both. but i have to take issue with you on your point about fur. i abhor any animal being kept in inhumane conditions, but most of the industrial farming that goes on in the u.s. is just as bad as the fur industry. U.S. chickens are probably the most ill treated animal on the planet.

and i've got my eye on this old black bear that keeps coming round my place. when he dies, im gonna make a rug out of him. whaddya think of that missy?
2006-12-03 12:07 pm
I'm a meat eater but I love our domestic pets and support the humane society, I would only wear the fur from an animal I killed for food.
2006-12-03 12:07 pm
I hate animal cruelty, and i cant even count how many stray dogs i have picked up (still have 3) but lil insects kinda bug my, but if it is a huge butterfly, or some kind of special bug, then i like them, but beetles and some spiders i hate. I hate it when ppl wear fir, its just not right, and i usually dont eat meat at all, maybe a burger or steak here or there, but it just really doesnt taste good to me. I cook chicken at work allot, so i usually just cant eat it. but i would protest any day against animal cruelty.
2006-12-03 12:06 pm
I love animals, but I do eat meat and wear leather, but would never wear fur. I don't kill insects, but I'm a little scared of spiders. I enjoy having pets, but I don't believe it's right to own so many that they can't be adequately taken care of, or to own wild animals that should be in their natural habitats.

One other thing: I have never and would never date any man who hated cats. I've found a strong correlation between sensitivity and intelligence and cat-lovers.
2006-12-03 2:33 pm
i guess i am on a higher level than you (joke), since i also love insects (including cockroaches) and rats etc. i am not for fur for fur sake (to look good) but do wear shoes from leather. i am not vegetarian but close to since only time eat meat or fowl is if somebody else cooks it. i had a pet spider in my car until someone killed it.
2006-12-03 12:22 pm
I don't believe in wearing fur and I'm a dietary vegan, but i agree with you on the whole cockroaches thing.
2006-12-03 12:20 pm
I love animals I hate people wearing fur too.
2006-12-03 12:10 pm
I love animals...I do wear them...I like you only eat chicken...I'm able to hunt it down... kill it and cook it...I hate bug, if a snake crosses my path it will die, been bit to many time by rattlers...
If an animal is suffering, i can and have put it down with a bullet.
I take in orphans, feed them and find them homes. My dogs are my kids and i have taken a snake bite for one, so i would die for them....I love animals, some are put here to eat and cloth you and i have no problem with that....
2006-12-03 12:09 pm
i respect animals and love them i am however a carnivore. i eat meat every day. i tried to be vegetarian for that very reason and for the first time in my life became ill and had to be hospitalized. as soon as meat was added back into my diet i was well, and have not been sick one day since (5 years) i look to my heritage to reconcile these moral dilemmas. i am Cherokee, i honor the spirit of the animal for giving it's life that i may live. we are all a part of the circle as the Great Spirit created us. that is how i live my life.
2006-12-03 12:21 pm
I am an animal lover, however, if I had to choose between a human and an animal I would choose the human. There are people out there who are starving. If the person is going to starve and the only meat they have is their dog, then what choice do they have? Animals were created as inferior to humans. If they die, they'll automatically go to heaven.

I don't support killing an animal for a dumb reason, or killing an animal in an inhumane and brutal way.

Insects are a part of a balance in the food chain. If that is disrupted then we probably wouldn't have the larger animanls that we have today. Insects are fine as long as they stay AWAY from me.

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