Norman Virus Control(using sandbox)
Norman SandBox 2005 has improved support for several functions. The SandBox simulates a fake computer and network environment, completely separated from the internal computer resources. All files that enter the SandBox are expected to execute certain tasks or to behave in a certain way. If a file suddenly starts performing tasks beyond a defined framework, this will be detected as non-standard behaviour and Norman SandBox will make the file inoperable and deny access to your real computer system.
Norman Virus Control可以掃描病毒,特洛伊木馬,蠕蟲等惡意程式以及保安漏洞,廣告程式和新型未知病毒.我之前一次過中了四種木馬和一種病毒,也是它發現和治療的,因此我非常推介你用Norman Virus Contol.
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Norman Virus Control 更是全歐洲銷量No.1和使用全球唯一認可主動病毒誘捕技術(Norman Sandbox Technology)!!!