
2006-12-04 6:18 am
1. 如果想講:居住環境問題:
live condition problem定係
live environment problem..?

2.有些中年人沒機會讀太多書 英文點寫呀?

3. 係男人既角度,呢D係多餘及沒用的,英文?

4. They 發表呢個論調every years, but I do not think they really seriously to focus on this problem. **中文部份應係咩?在此係講緊政府既施政報告年年都提及呢樣野,


回答 (2)

2006-12-04 6:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Problems in the living environment

2. Some middle-aged people do not have many chances to study

3. In men's point of view, these are of no use.

4. They state this thesis in their report every year, but I do not think that they are seriously focusing on this focuse.

2006-12-05 18:42:49 補充:
For number 4 I meant:4. They state this thesis in their report every year, but I do not think that they are seriously focusing on the problem.
參考: Myself
2006-12-04 7:44 am
1. The problem of living environment

2. Some middle-aged people do not have any opportunity to study

3. From the men's point of view, these are useless

4. They repeatedly mention these points in their report every year, but I do not think they are really focusing on this problem seriously.

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