
2006-12-04 6:13 am

回答 (3)

2006-12-04 10:17 am
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HSBC logo是出自有香港設計之父之稱的Henry Steiner手筆

標誌源出於銀行的公司旗幟, 商業機構擁有旗幟是十九世紀的時尚.
當年的旗幟以蘇格蘭象徵 “ Saltire “ or “ cross of St. Andrew “ (藍色底上面有 ‘ X ‘ 形白色十字造型 ) 為基礎.

表面而言, Henry Steiner 好像所做甚少, 因為概念似乎早已成形, 目前的標誌只是稍加一點時代感, 稍為抽象一番.

實質設計意念不止於此, 這實際是一塊七巧板…

匯豐銀行話 :

“ When you can see what is there, and create what is not there,
They say you can see the future.
We see the future of business everywhere we look ”

到下面網址玩玩 :


點擊 “ Tangram History “ “Tangram Solutions “

btw, Tangram 即係七巧板

2006-12-06 02:23:32 補充:
古語云: “ 限制多與少, 暴露能力高與低 “玩七巧板正是要突破限制: 將有限的配件,發揮無限可能, .是個訓練洞察力, 集中力, 創造力的遊戲. 匯豐銀行認為這些修養都是未來商業活動所不可缺的. 它認為未來的市場將被跟世界各地市場參與者所支配, 他們都成為這世界性的資源, 技術, 關係及意念網絡的一部份……….....匯豐銀行不會等到未來, 它已建起了這世界性網絡……….匯豐銀行希望自己被聯想成七巧板 : 能將可見的配件,發揮無限可能.

2006-12-06 02:34:54 補充:
“Tangram Solutions “好多野玩咁! Hold住左或右三角形係前進方向. 有好多公仔出Hold住公仔仲有 說明字句, 幾得意 !.
2006-12-04 8:38 am
以我所知…design黎講,其中一個解法係個logo好似以前d人,會用正方形手巾仔去包住d錢收埋儲蓄.. 咁個logo個樣就係果個手巾仔摺到一半的樣

參考: school of design year 3上堂果陣聽到d人咁講
2006-12-04 7:07 am
the HSBC brand and the hexagon symbol would be adopted as the unified brand in all the markets where HSBC operates, with the aim of enhancing recognition of the Group and its values by customers, shareholders and staff throughout the world.

Hexagon symbol
This was originally adopted by the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation as its logo in 1983. It was developed from the bank’s house flag, a white rectangle divided diagonally to produce a red hourglass shape. Like many other Hong Kong company flags that originated in the 19th century, the design was based on the cross of Saint Andrew

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