If A Girl Has A Birthday!?(15 marks!!)

2006-12-04 6:05 am
If A Girl Has A Birthday(She Is Not My Girl Friend!!),What Shall I Buy For Her??

15 Marks!!

回答 (4)

2006-12-04 6:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
Simple jewelry is a good idea. A necklace or a bracelet, or even earrings. Or else stationery, but that would have to be some good ones, like a cute notebook or pencil/pen. In my opinion, I dont think that stuffed toys are very good because they really don't have much use, so unless you know she really likes stuffed toys, stick with jewelry or stationery.

Oh, pocket mirrors might be good too.
參考: My opinion
2006-12-04 11:05 am
音樂盒是我的首選, 其次是手鍊, 耳環,
毛公仔太濫, 衣物不知人家喜好,也很難送,
戒指對女朋友比較好, 否則會惹來美麗的誤會,
2006-12-04 6:39 am
你可以 buy 一些她喜愛的東西,如果你不知道的話你出街時可以多留意哪些地方最多女孩子的地方,你也可以照舊例如:朱古刀 、公仔、花、天使and 一些得意的東西
參考: ME
2006-12-04 6:16 am
you cna buy a teddy bear or neckles to her!! You need to tell me how old is she?? if she is 15 years old you can buy a flower and a teddy bear or a neckles to her!! If she is you sister you can have dinner with her!! If she is your younger sister you can just buy a teddy and play a game with her!! You can date her to go to the Ocean Park and play all day so you and she will hae fun!!!
Wish my suggtion can make the girl happy!!
參考: My boyfriend do it to me so i tell you lo!

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