utility 同 use value 有咩分別?

2006-12-04 4:34 am
utility 同 use value 有咩分別?

plz~~are they the same thing?

回答 (2)

2006-12-04 4:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
每次你想知d concept有咩分別, 最好o既方法係了解佢地o既定義

utility are nubmers used for ranking options. it is an ordinal concept. the number itself does not contain intrinsic value.

use value of a good is the highest value that an individual willing to give up to exchange for the good. it is an cardinal concept which contains intrinsic value. and it can be use for ranking options.

從定義上可以知道utility本身只係用黎排次序, 個number單獨存在係無意義, utility只可以用黎比較. use value就代表住一個人對某物品所願意放棄的價值. use value本身個number係有意義. 例如一本書對我o既 use value係$30. "$30"係有單位o既, "30"哩個number因此亦變得有內在價值
2006-12-04 8:06 am
utility是用以 intra-personal comparasion
use value是可以用於 inter-personal comparasion

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