California Fitness 的收費 (member only)

2006-12-04 3:37 am
本人join 了California Fitness, 但後來先知道他的收費是海鮮價.
請問Join 了的member月fee 幾多?
I know One member $150/month
I am $299/month
SO Horrible

回答 (2)

2006-12-04 4:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
They offer me a 3-year contract, any centre, any time. First year pay $657/month with credit card. Second and third year free. Average $219 per month. Let me know if you hear a lower price.

Perhaps $150/month is not for any centre, any time.

2006-12-04 21:12:06 補充:
Yes, no other fees. May be other people can negotiate for an even lower price.
參考: California Fitness salesman
2006-12-13 12:32 am
$398 for all centre, and without handling charge and member fee ~~

I also find that if you can ask him, or you show that the price is too high..

they usually will lower to price to you ~~

But importantly...after you join the club...they will selll you about the trainer course...

It almost $19000, (may be different branch).....wanna join...up to you

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 22:28:11
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