WT IS" social butterfly"'s meaning~?

2006-12-04 2:43 am

回答 (3)

2006-12-05 7:01 am
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社交花蝴蝶滿場飛社交蝴蝶在本週大有表現,口才與風度將為你贏得新朋友,水象星座(巨蟹、天蠍、雙魚)的人最順。 情人易生變的一週,只要避開財務問題,對於突來的變化先做好心理準備就可解決,固定星座(金牛、獅子、天蠍、寶瓶)的人麻煩較多。 ...
www.libertytimes.com.tw/2001/new/nov/26/life/star-1.htm - 15k - 補充資料 -


2. A person who is not very serious, but is only interested in enjoying themselves.
Example: a social butterfly


A person interested principally in frivolous pleasure: a social butterfly.from answers.com

Are you super shy or a social butterfly? Whether youre the life of the party or more about wallflower power, get inside your summer socializin style from Girls Life in Home & Garden provided free by.
www.findarticles.com/p/articles/ mi_m0IBX/is_6_11/ai_n13793235 - 30k

2006-12-04 12:43 pm
sry but tszhoill's answer is basically wrong(i don't mean to be rude). he/she has just translated the words into chinese but its not what the phase really means.
''social butterfly'' means someone who is very sociable, someone who like to meet new people and make new friends. u can use it as a noun.
do you know what i mean??
2006-12-04 3:11 am
social=社會 butterfly=蝴蝶
參考: me

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