Santa Claus

2006-12-04 1:44 am
聖誕老人多少歲?地址在哪?e-mail是甚麼?最喜歡甚麼食物?最喜歡甚麼遊戲?最喜歡甚麼書?最喜歡甚麼季節?點樣同家人慶祝?(please use english.)

回答 (3)

2006-12-04 6:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
Name:Santa Claus
Address:Arctic Circle, 96930 Rovaniemi, Finland
E-mail address:[email protected]
Favourite food:Apple pie, Chocolate logs etc.
Favourite games:Acrostuc Poems, Chinese Whispers etc.
Favourite book:Clemnt C, Morre's The Light Before Christmas etc.
Favourite season:Winter
How does he celebrate Christmas with his family members?
He celebrate Christman with his family members by family reading.
2006-12-04 2:15 am
His old is your old,地址:England.e-mail is [email protected](christmas先得),he like to read sky book.he like winter.In the car.不過這不可信的==,據悉佢會送present俾d乖的小朋友.點都好.祝你聖誕快樂!!
2006-12-04 2:02 am

Santa Claus most all is the human plays the role of, except that therefore he said listens for others oneself to play the role of Santa Claus, should 冇 the human know, but, I know Santa Claus most all is likes (winter) !


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