F.5 Chemisty - Chlorine and Chlorine bleach

2006-12-04 1:27 am
1.Suggest a simple chemical test to chlorine gas.
2.Explain the principle involved in (i).
3.What is the smell of chlorine gas?
4.Give the chemical name of the brine solution.
5.Name the active ingredient of the chlorine bleach.
6.Why should the outlet be connected to the fume cupboard?

7.What is the meaning of a saturated solution? 8.Write an eqt to should the reaction between chlorine gas and water. 9.Give the names of particles found in the aqueous soluion of chlorine gas. 10.State the observable change if a blue litmus paper is put in the aqueous solution of chlorine gas.

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2006-12-04 2:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Chlorine changes moist blue litmus paper to red, and then white.

2. Chlorine dissolves in water to form an acidic solution, and chlorine is a bleaching agent in the presence of water.

3. Chlorine gas has a choking smell. (Don’t smell chlorine gas because it is poisonous.)

4. sodium chloride solution / concentrated sodium chloride solution

5. hypochlorite ion / chlorate(I) ion

6. The fume cupboard remove the chlorine gas because it is poisonous.

7. A saturated solution is a solution containing the maximum amount of the solute at a given temperature.

8. Cl2(aq) + H2O(l) = H^+(aq) + Cl^-(aq) + HOCl(aq)

9. water molecule, chlorine molecule, hydrogen ion, chloride ion, hypochlorous acid (chloric(I) acid) molecules, hypochlorite ion (chlorate(I) ion)

10. The blue litmus paper changes to red, and then white.

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