
2006-12-04 1:07 am
1. I went to the park with my brother and his frind last sunday afternoom .

2. We played with football on the football field , then we went on and roundabout the park.

3. We made a sandcastle on the sandpit,and climbed the climbing frame.

4. We made a sandcastle on the sandpit,and climbed the climbing frame.

5. Soom we were tired and sat on a bench for awhile, then we went home by cycling each other.

幫我睇下有咩地方錯!!ThX !趕住要交功課,盡快幫我修改修改!

3 年 級 , 唔 駛 太 深 !冇錯都話我聽!

回答 (2)

2006-12-04 1:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. I went to the park with my brother and his friend last sunday afternoon.
2. We played football on the football field ,then we went to the park.
3. We built a sandcastle on the sandpit in the park ,and climbed the climbing frame.
4. We built a sandcastle on the sandpit in the park ,and climbed the climbing frame.
5. Soon we were tired and sat on a bench for awhile, then we went home by cycling each other.
2006-12-04 1:11 am
1. I went to the park with my brother and his friend last sunday afternoom .

2. We played with football on the football field , then we went on and roundabout the park.

3. We made a sandcastle on the sandpit,and climbed the climbing frame.

5. Soon, we were tired and sat on a bench for awhile, then we went home by cycling each other.


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