Disposa-how to calculated and what does it means

2006-12-03 11:08 pm
started business in January 2003
on 31 December 2005:
Motor Vehicles(MV) $250000
provision for Depreciation-Moter Vehicles $47500
Motor Vehicles - 10% on costd,using striaght line method, irrespective of the date of purchase. On 30September 2005, a MV bought on 31 August 2003, with an original cost of $85000 was traded in for another MV. The trade in allowance was $38000. The new MV costd $135000 and the balance due is to be paid by a 3-years loan, repayable at the end of 2008

回答 (1)

2006-12-05 1:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
irrespective of purchase即係話要做full year depreciation...
個motor vehicle就做左兩年depre.共$85000 x 0.2 =$17000,即net book value有$68000,但係就只係賣到$38000 即係loss of disposal$30000
咁new motor vehicle就值$135000,即係我地仲爭$97000 即係入3-years loan

Dr Disposal of MV
Cr Motor Vehicle
To transfer the MV to the disposal account

Dr Provision for depreciation
Cr Disposal of MV
To transfer the MV's provision for dep. to disposal account

Dr Trade in allowance $38000
Cr Disposal -MV $38000
To record the diposal value of the motor vehicles

Dr Diposal Loss $30000
Cr disposal account $30000

Dr P/L $30000
Cr Disposal Loss $30000
To written off the disposal loss

Dr MV $135000
Cr Trade in value $38000
Cr 3-YEARs loan $97000


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