food irradiation process

2006-12-03 8:50 pm
Explain food irradiation process and vacuum packaging and how they can pro-long the shelf life of food.

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2006-12-06 11:42 pm
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Food irradiation:
To expose foods to very high-energy, invisible lightwaves (radiation). The process controls the amount of radiation the food absorbs.

Food irradiation is a means of preservation; it is used to extend product shelf life. The radiation energy used is able to cause changes in molecules, such as breaking chemical bonds.

At small irradiation doses, properties of the food, such as sprouting and ripening can be modified (usually inhibited). Higher doses can alter molecules in microorganisms so they can no longer cause spoilage or human illness.

The microorganisms may be killed or genetically altered so they can't reproduce. It takes lower doses to damage microorganisms and insects than to alter enough molecules in the food to damage it.

Vaccum pack simply withdraw air, including oxygen which reacts with food and promotes food spoilage. Lack of oxygen also inhibits aerobic microbes' growth.

Vaccum pack also prevent food from drying out and from freezer burn.

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 19:31:55
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