California Fitness $219/month for 3 years. Good price?

2006-12-03 6:37 pm
3 year contract, any centre, any time. First year paid $657/month with credit card. Second and third year free. They said the offer is for a few days only. Anyone paid lower than $219?

回答 (2)

2006-12-04 6:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I have seen others pay lower price. CF has special offers everyday. Don't be pushed by them and make a quick decision that you will regret. Most people cannot survive there for 3 years. Perhaps you could negotiate for a shorter contract.
2006-12-04 12:50 am
California 的惡行
一開始被人帶住遊花園,sell 設施
>坐低sell plan,用一大堆理由說服你
>佢話先做booking & check下我之前有冇record,要我俾張ID card佢
>之後佢又遊說我俾張credit card 佢check 下有冇額
>簽完約後,就有個人黎sell 你personal trainer
PS: 臨走前佢地會叫你寫張推薦朋友的表(可以免費玩10堂),我本來唔想填,但佢地話只有而家填d人先可以免費,(其實係想迫你寫多d)之後d屋企人,朋友不停收到滋擾電話,係咁叫佢地去試玩
到上training 堂時,個trainer 又係咁sell personl trainer course,真係好煩
>最討厭既係,到真正去玩時,d走黎走去既trainer 又會成日走埋黎嘈你叫你join personal trainer,真係好煩
參考: me

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