求救! 結婚相被拍衰了....(part 2)

2006-12-03 5:28 pm
結婚拍攝18同菲林, 有145張出現超暗問題, 攝影師說是閃光燈出現問題所致, 說什麼是閃光燈內有1條管有列痕, 不過影時仍有閃光(只是, 影時閃光有時斷斷續續)光度都TEST過足夠......最後他FEEL有問題即換閃光燈。

他們就會拿CD比LAB攪, 續D色拾起來, 之後會比多果顏色效果比我們選擇, 不過只好2-3成.......點算! 老公及我都不懂依D野, 最衰仲衰在在晚宴親人、朋友、全家福合照及註冊果部份, 都不知點比人。你們有建議給我嗎, 請只教.....萬分多謝, 還有, 有無D拾相公司呢...收費是多少....

我是之前發問那人...now, 攝影公司做出補救方法都未滿意, 我同老公決定找他們賠償, 之前join他們packaging 是$4480..菲林共18卷, 他們收了9卷($108/卷), 你們feel我應bargain幾多是合理(18卷菲林,有145張是bad)..你們feel他們如何回答賠償問題!

回答 (6)

2006-12-03 8:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
而閃光燈有問題係意外所致, 所以都冇計啦~ 咁......
再加上有事之後冇補返影, 亦冇出聲以為冚住冇事,
俾我我直頭唔想俾錢, 要收就同佢講
"咁要收都得, 我諗好多人都想知呢件事"
又或者先俾收得落既相先, (即係扣起一千)
總之唔好要coupond 要cash,
2006-12-17 9:04 pm
聽到許多有關婚禮攝影的恐怖經驗呢...... 很可怕呢~~~
2006-12-06 6:48 pm
You may draw out some frames from video tapes which recorded your event and people.
Then you can print pictures from those frames in the conditions that you have the edited video tape or raw tapes in your hand.
2006-12-06 6:17 pm

2006-12-05 2:51 am
What is a " responsible " photographer? One should have the main gear, and a full set of back up equipment? Then how if something wrong with the back up? Someone said it's better to have a friend shooter on the safe side blah blah... . That sounds like an amateur is even more professional than a real pro?!

An accident is an accident, no body wants that to happen (including the photographer). And what is a reasonable compensation? Of course someone may think the " victim " should deserve $10,000 or $100,000 or even more. But let me tell you, it is NOT going to happen like that! Unless everything is stated in the signed contract/agreement clearly. Did the photographer promise there would be no missing shots? Did the photographer promise every single photo would be in the best quality up to your satisfaction? Worse photographer could just say: " Oh, I'm sorry, but I can do nothing about this... . "

Honestly, I think what he offered is a pretty fair settlement already. Of course I feel very sorry for the situation too; but our grief shouldn't turn ourselves being unreasonable.
My suggestion is, try to find the best photo lab in town and try their hard to fix the problem photos/negatives/CD images, and then ask the photographer to paid for the bill. Of course, compromise with the photographer first.
2006-12-04 9:05 pm
其實你有冇同佢地sign過任何contract? 通常專業攝影師會事前同客人簽訂協議, 如果發生事故會如何處理.

其實照你所講, 即係4卷出左事, 其實呢個case大家都唔想發生, 而你個攝影師都算好專業, 發生問題都有backup equipment所以不致問題惡化. 我自己作為婚禮攝影師都覺得佢o既處理都好妥當.

通常我地o既行規係, 如果菲林有事, 我地最多只會唔收有事o個幾卷底片o既費用, 或比返空白菲林作賠償. 而你個攝影師都肯幫你揾lab執相(O個度都好貴), 佢都好有誠意去補救. 不過救得幾多就唔係話你同佢可以講得埋.

所以我覺得你唔好再同個攝影師要求賠償喇, 佢的而且確有provide服務比你, 而錯誤唔係在於失當而係意外, 如果佢唔係專業到連後備閃燈都有的話, 你連夜晚o既相都冇埋添啦!

至於執相, 個攝影師都揾過人執, 我估你都無謂比多筆錢, 做重複o既野, 不如問下當日有冇朋友都有相機, 影過o既相send一set比你囉.

Good Luck!
參考: 我係都係攝影師

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