
2006-12-03 10:41 am
重感冒﹐ 而家頭暈暈﹐ 神智唔系好清醒﹐ 候嚨沙痛﹐ 流鼻水﹐ 訓覺個陣吞口水好似有痰係條 候嚨丁附近痴住晒﹐ 鼻哥訓覺透唔到氣﹐ 點算﹖ 我今晚仲要係街上等通宵﹖ 有乜可以提神﹖ 我唔要飲咔啡。 身體差左點樣回復以前既健壯﹖

回答 (5)

2006-12-03 11:17 am
✔ 最佳答案

2006-12-04 5:02 am
2006-12-03 3:41 pm
2006-12-03 12:44 pm

2006-12-03 11:28 am
first of all, make sure you are taking in enough water n you have to have plenty of fresh air.also you must make sure you have enough sleep but not too much. because sleeping for too long might bring you to headache.

you better not to drink coffee or tea(tea with milk) coz these kind of drinks make you more likely to vomit.

is it a chesty cough?
and does the decongestion affecting your face area as well? do you feel blocked round your face?
are you coughing up phlem? what's the colour? if it's yellow or green, you really should see your doctor coz general medicine in the pharmacy are not strong enough to help you as you might need some antibioctics.
if is it worse at night, that means there is something dripping down at the back of your throat.
if you got a temperature, try some PARACETAMOL, you can find it in watson's , those got a pharmacy in there. it can also help the pain.

you might need some SUDAFED DECONGESTANT tablets or the SUDAFED COLD & FLU(this one already got some paracetamol so you do not have to buy the paracetamol separate), these 2 product are avalible in UK but not sure if you can find that in HK, but i can tell you what's in there

active ingredients::
pseudoephedrine hydrochloride 60 mg

active ingredients::
paracetamol 500mg, pseudoephedrine hydrochloride 60 mg

inhalers will help up but i recomend u only use that for no more than 2 weeks.

STREFEN will help with your sore throat if you are not asthmatic
active ingredients::
flurbiprofen 8.75

DEQUACAINE do the same job n you can take this even you are asthmatic
active ingredients::
dequalinium chloride 0.25mg
bezocaine 10mg

try copy down the active ingredients n ask in a waton's that got a pharmacy
i am sure they will help you
take care
參考: my job n the book 'chemist&druggist Guide to OTC'

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