Overseas Degree Course

2006-12-03 9:34 am
有冇讀緊 University of South Australia 同HKBU合辨既 Balechlor Degree of Business(Administration Management)同學, 你地覺得個課程點呀? 因為我選擇緊報邊間學校, 請幫忙

回答 (2)

2006-12-03 5:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
如果話有搞distance learning既澳洲大學黎講,比較top既應該係The University of New South Wales, University of Victoria, Melbourne University等.

University of Sough Australia 本身排名就比較低,你自己考慮下啦.

2006-12-11 09:32:57 補充:
De Monte University??好似無聽過(我都o係響澳洲讀左兩個學位),應該唔係D乜野有名既大學,可能係近年先升格做大學既.通常,澳州比較有名既,係o個D用州名,或者capital cities個名,黎命名既,起碼都係o個個州至top 既一兩間之一(University of South Australia當其中一間),其中又以東岸o個幾個州既比較出名(當然唔可以排除The Australian National Uni.,佢係最top o個間,但係冇distance learning).
2006-12-03 8:37 pm
go to below website and type "unisa" in Forum, you can see many people discuss about this couse.
Hope can help you
參考: I am UniSA graducate

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