✔ 最佳答案
can you please extend the period of asking, coz i can sure give you the corretc answer
coz my flute is left in my hall
can your give me two more days?
if you wanna post an extra question, please email me at
[email protected] to tell me where you post it
can you also give me your email?
can you please also specify where do you think the music is wrong and where did you get it?
i really really wanna answer your question, as i also love to play recorder in primary school, so please help me, i just answer it for fun ^^
2006-12-05 00:00:20 補充:
若被傷害夠 就用一對手 痛快的割開昨日咀咒D|D|G|D|D#| C|C|F|C|D| A#A#D#|A#C|A#AD|A#入夜等白晝 剩下傷痕開始結蕉那胸膛D|D|G|D|D#| C|C|F|C|D#|D|C|D|A#D|G城內 快要變作困獸鬥 人人尋仇赤腳走GA A#A#A#A#A#A#A# C|C|C|C|F|F|G|
2006-12-05 00:01:36 補充:
天黑黑 聽朝世界到處也哭了 BBB BBAAAAABG 無盡處 充斥了太多紛擾 ABC’ C’BABC’BA 人類這麼渺小 ABC’BAB 這一刻 身邊看到振翅那飛鳥 BBB BBAAAAABG 無懼怕 高飛去發出光輝 ABC’ C’BABC’BA 長夜在那方照耀 ABBC’D’C’B
2006-12-05 00:04:56 補充:
是你 伸手拉我高飛 到高空最高點C#|D| D|D|C#|BD|C#| C#|C#|BAC#|B再掉下這地 然後我AG#G#C#|BA# A#C|C#|高聲講 我非貪心怕死C#|C#|C|A#C#| C|A#G#C|可惜變得到轉機 只得忐忑的心 永遠傷悲A#A#A#A#A#A#A# A#A#A#A#A#A# A#A#C|C|
2006-12-05 00:23:42 補充:
the version that i post is the key as the one sang by Eason, but it is somehow difficult for you to play recorder in exam, as there are so many sharps. So if you want a simpler version will less sharps and a lower key, please feel free to ask me through email
2006-12-05 00:23:55 補充:
hope you can identify which part of the score that i post is different from what you post ^^also one word of lyric is also wrong, if you dont mind i correct it 蕉 -- 焦the vertical line " | " means the notes are in a higher octave than those without a vertical line
2006-12-05 00:35:11 補充:
sorry, i find some more mistakes in lyrics:1st line: 咀 -- 詛2nd line: 蕉 -- 焦Second Last line: 心 -- 生Last line: 得 -- 不Last line: 變 -- 見sorry to bother you too much as i am such a perfectionalist ^^
2007-01-01 23:06:09 補充:
thank you for giving me the chance to answer ^^