報考LCF 及 Saint Martine 的MA in Fashion design 應注意什麼? (20分)

2006-12-03 8:15 am
如題, 若想報考London College of Fashion, and Central Saint Martin 這類學校 的MA in Fashion design, 請問填表及面試時有什麼要特別注意?

英國物價高昂, 請問那裡的日常用品價錢是否都很貴呢? 如清潔用品, 護膚, 化粧品等, 是否應該係香港買齊好些呢?

回答 (1)

2006-12-05 11:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
相信你想報 MA ga 呢 , 你應該係 Fashion design已經有一定能力 , but you must remember that , LCF & CSM these two college is the most famous artschool in the world , so they would like to know about your creative , 概念 , 思想 more that your artwork , of course , you must bring your artwork , sketch book and whatever that you think it can help you to have a offer and show if all ~ !

日常用品 la , i believe 清潔用品 or something 化粧品 ....etc , 最好英國買呢 , because 驚坐飛機or 入英國境時,if they 當D清潔用品 or 化粧品is 危險品 , 那麻煩lu.......
參考: Myself

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