about night blindness 請翻譯為英文

2006-12-03 8:05 am



回答 (2)

2006-12-03 8:24 pm
The moon blindness is getting up because eyes can't produce the visual purple . Visual purple can let people among night , even the faint light can see some things only.

¡ïSeek the form
In the pitch-dark environment, can not see the things under the faint light .

¡ïOrigin cause of formation
Vitamin A is the necessities which supplements the visual purple, patients are mostly malnutritive seriously or it is caused that vitamin A is insufficient.
Suffering from a kind of hereditary disease which is called the pigment retinitis, this disease is very rare, but begin in the initial stage of childhood , worsen gradually , can result in losing one's sight ten to 50 years later.
2006-12-03 8:54 am
Night blindness is caused by the insufficient production of visual pigments. Visual pigments is needed for us to see things clearly in dim light.

Symptoms of having night blindness:
You won't be able to see anything in dim night.

THe cause of Night blindness:
Vitamin A is needed to form visual pigments. People suffering from nightblindness has a deficiency of Vitamin A in their bodies. This deficiency disease is very common nowadays. Once you suffer from this kind of disease, you might have the chance of becoming blind.
參考: 自己

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