10點!! f.3 maths~ Simple and compound interest

2006-12-03 7:28 am
唔該可唔可以教下我...列step=] (計埋答案)

Alice deposits $1000 in a bank for 6 years on simple interest. The interest rate for the first 2 years is 1% p.a, for the following 2 years is 2% p.a. and 3% p.a, for the remaining period. Find the amount after 6 years.

$10000 is deposited for 1 year at an interest rate of 12% p.a. Find the difference in amount if the interest is compounded half-yearly and compounded quarterly.

回答 (2)

2006-12-03 7:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
1)Alice deposits $1000 in a bank for 6 years on simple interest. The interest rate for the first 2 years is 1% p.a, for the following 2 years is 2% p.a. and 3% p.a, for the remaining period. Find the amount after 6 years.

=$1124.95(2 sig.fig)

2)$10000 is deposited for 1 year at an interest rate of 12% p.a. Find the difference in amount if the interest is compounded half-yearly and compounded quarterly.

Interest compounded quarterly - Interest compounded half-yearly
={10000*[1+12%/4]^4-10000} - {10000*[(1+12%/2)]^2-10000}
= 1255.1-1236
= $19.1(1 sig.dig)
2006-12-03 5:31 pm
=$1124.4(corr.to 1 d.p.)

2)the amount is if the interest is compounded half-yearly

the amount is if the interest is compounded quarterly
=$11255(corr. to nearest $1)

the diffenrent is
參考: myself

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 18:29:05
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