
2006-12-03 6:44 am

A rikishi wears a particular type of clothing based on ancient traditional Japanese dress. This changes as the wrestler moves up to higher ranks. Even in the cold winter, the lowest ranking wrestlers are allowed only a yukata, a robe made of cotton, and wooden sandals, called geta.

These make a distinctive clip-clop noise as the wearer walks along. The ranks above can put a short coat on over their yukata and change the wooden clogs for soft sandals made of straw. The top fighters, the sekitori, are entitled to wear silk robes of their own choosing.

回答 (3)

2006-12-03 7:31 am
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A rikishi wears a particular type of clothing based on ancient traditional Japanese dress. This changes as the wrestler moves up to higher ranks. Even in the cold winter, the lowest ranking wrestlers are allowed only a yukata, a robe made of cotton, and wooden sandals, called geta.

rikishi 佩帶特殊類型的衣物,是根據古老傳統的日本人禮服。當摔跤手搬走,這改變由高級決定。在冷的冬天,最低的等第摔跤手被提供唯一yukata 、長袍由棉花製成,和木涼鞋,叫做geta 。

2006-12-02 23:33:39 補充:
These make a distinctive clip-clop noise as the wearer walks along. The ranks above can put a short coat on over their yukata and change the wooden clogs for soft sandals made of straw. The top fighters, the sekitori, are entitled to wear silk robes of their own choosing.

2006-12-02 23:33:45 補充:
當穿戴者走時,這些牌子特別夾子躂躂聲。等級上面,能投入一件短的外套在他們的yukata 和改變木障礙物,為軟的涼鞋由秸桿製成。頂面戰鬥機, sekitori,有資格穿著絲綢長袍,都是他們自己選擇。
2006-12-03 8:33 pm
rikishi 穿一種衣服的特別的類型基于古老的道統的日語穿。 作為角力運動員的這變化移動到更高的名次。 即使在寒冬內,低排列角力運動員允許只一件浴衣,一件由棉花做成的長袍,以及木製涼鞋,叫geta。
當穿戴者散步時,這些做特別的夾子得得響噪音。 上面稻草。 最高戰士,sekitori,有權穿他們自己的選擇的絲綢長袍。
2006-12-03 6:51 am
作為角力運動員的這變化移動到更高的名次。 即使在寒冬內,低排列角力運動員允許只一件浴衣,一件由棉花做成的長袍,以及木製涼鞋,叫getazd。


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