
2006-12-03 6:09 am
我想問GDP at constant market price 同GDP at current market price的分別?

回答 (2)

2006-12-04 9:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Nominal GDP (GDP at current market price)
Real GDP (GDP at constant market price)


National Income Accounting


- resident producing units

- total value of final output

GDP at market price = C + I + G + X – M

GDP at factor cost = GDP at market price – IBT + Subsidies


- residents

- total income earned

GNP = GDP + factor income from abroad – factor income paid abroad

Excluded items

- intermediate goods

- second-hand goods

- unreported market transactions

- imports

- shares and bonds

- welfare payment

- not currently produced items


Nominal GDP (GDP at current market price)

Real GDP (GDP at constant market price)

Price Index at base year

Real GDP = Nominal GDP x -------------------------------

Price Index at current year

Real GDP

Real GDP per capita = --------------------

Population size

Demand side factors

- C

- I

- G

- X

- M


Supply side factors

- Capital

- Land

- Labour

- Entrepreneurship

- Technology


Real GDP is a better indicator than nominal GDP because the effect of price changes in the year is eliminated.

Limitations of GDP statistics

(1) Income distribution

If income distribution is uneven, the majority of the population enjoys a lower

living standard.

(2) Population size

Real GDP per capital of a country may be lower due to a larger population size.

(3) Composition of output

If a large proportion of the GDP consists of capital goods, GDP will overestimate the current living standard.

(4) Leisure and unreported market transactions

They will raise living standard, but not GDP. Thus, GDP will underestimate the current living standard.

2006-12-03 6:44 pm
constant market price 是以 {特定年度} 物價計算
(一定唔係用今年物價計算 )

current market price 是以 {現時} 的市價計算



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