Physics TAS error問題 (40marks)

2006-12-03 5:57 am
physics experiments error 一般有幾大
光學好似好準, 咁mechanics , e&m ,matter 一般幾多 percent error??

回答 (2)

2006-12-04 3:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
evry experiments have error as u cann't said which one get the better result.
types of errors
1.systematic erroes
systenatic errors are errors which make measuresd values different from "true" values with reproducible discrepancies.
2.random errors
random errors occur when it is not possible to exactly repeat a particular measurement.
3.resolution errors
there is a limited uncertainty with which an scale may be read.
2006-12-05 3:35 am

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