
2006-12-03 5:52 am
我整壞左兩部電腦,英譯中點譯好(用在personal letter上)??唔要直譯果隻中文化式英文,唔該晒!

回答 (2)

2006-12-03 8:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
你係唔係想要 [我整壞左兩部電腦]呢句中文譯成英文?

if yes,
用在personal letter上都有得講得正經同唔正經的.

如果正經d, 就:
I've made 2 computers out of order / I've had (or made) 2 computers broken down

如果casual d :
I've screwed 2 computers up
2006-12-03 8:41 pm
I am whole bad two computers of left, does Great Britain translate the mid point and translate it well (use on personal letter )? ? Well want the literal translation fruit to only hit culture type English, well will tan

2006-12-03 12:41:51 補充:

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