
2006-12-03 5:36 am

回答 (2)

2006-12-05 1:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
My boy is 4yrs old now, he has Ezcema since 4 months old, I had tried different types of milk powder, also with the same result. Then I brought him to see skin specialist, doctor did a allegic test on his skin in the back, we found out he allegic to some many types of food including cow milk, that's why the same result for different brand of milk powder.

But BB with ezcema always digestion system n absorption of nutrition not very good, so you can choose some brand is easy to digest, my doctor suggested me "PediaSure".
2006-12-03 7:31 pm
能恩h.a.1係低敏奶粉, 專俾有過敏症bb, e.g. 濕疹, 鼻敏感, 皮膚敏感, 氣管敏感, asthma, 都係過敏症的一種

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