Monster Hunter

2006-12-03 5:28 am
1.請問各位知唔知Monster Hunter 係PSP會唔會再出Monster Hunter 2 之類,,(有啲,幾時出)

2.係PSP啲Monster Hunter FREEDOM 中啲人物同MONSTER 同PS2啲Monster Hunter 2 有冇唔同

3.E家Monster Hunter FREEDOM邊度最便宜,幾錢

4.Monster Hunter G 啲分別

5.Monster Hunter FREEDOM 啲官網

回答 (2)

2006-12-03 1:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案 hunter for PSP will have 2 on mar07
2.actually nearly the same but version is english of freedom and hunter 2 will not have english version so fast. and that hunter have more face give you to choose
3. Mong kok arround $138-$158
4 maybe this website can help you.

2006-12-05 3:55 am
psp係會出monster hunter 2 會係07年2月
psp既monster hunter freedom同ps2既monster hunter 2分別就大-.-(因為跟本就係兩隻game)武器種類完全唔同-->hunter2 會多左太刀,龍擊炮,怪就多好多多左一堆古龍,人物咪多左幾個樣lo 仲有hunter 2既防具係可以升級既hunter p f g都唔可以
奇實monster freedom只不過係monster hunter p既英文版
monster hunter freedom同g就好似不過武器有小小唔同仲有g係有街冇集務所

2006-12-04 20:00:46 補充:
質疑緊樓上果位先生有冇玩過monster hunter 2竟然可以話nearly the same-.-freedom同2唔單止村唔同連怪既攻擊力防禦力都修正過順帶一題psp出freedom之前係出過隻一模一樣既game叫monster hunter protable不過係日文freedom係英文
參考: 自己

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