英文 20點 very急

2006-12-03 5:22 am
1. 如果你借了書,一定要依時還書
2. 不要亂放書
3. 記住帶借書證
4. 關掉你的手提電話及傳呼機

回答 (8)

2006-12-03 11:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
佢地既寫法比較formal同正統,可以值得參考下 ^^

1. 如果你借了書,一定要依時還書
Borrowers must return their loans to the Library on or before the due dates.

2. 不要亂放書
Any books or personal belongings left unattended on unoccupied tables or carrels may be removed by library staff without prior notice to the owner.

3. 記住帶借書證
Admission to the Library is conditional upon the presentation of a valid borrower's tickets.

4. 關掉你的手提電話及傳呼機
No pagers and mobile phones may be used in the Library.


{如果你喜歡我個答案,請投我一票呀~ ^^}
2006-12-03 4:28 pm
Return the books that u have borrowed on time
Don't put the book wherever u like
Remember to bring your libary card
please turn off your mobile phone
2006-12-03 6:01 am
1. 如果你借了書,一定要依時還書
If you have borrowed a book, you must return it on time.

2. 不要亂放書
Do not misplace the books.

3. 記住帶借書證
Remember to bring your library card.

4. 關掉你的手提電話及傳呼機
Switch off your mobile phones and pagers.
參考: me
2006-12-03 5:57 am
You have to return all borrowed books on time.
Return books to their original locations.
Remember to bring along with your library card.
Switch off your mobile phone or pager
參考: me
2006-12-03 5:36 am
1. 如果你借了書,一定要依時還書

1.You must return the book on time if you have borrowed them

2. 不要亂放書

2.Do not put the book wherever you like

3. 記住帶借書證

3.Remember to bring your library card

4. 關掉你的手提電話及傳呼機

4.Turn off your mobile phone and pager
參考: me
2006-12-03 5:36 am
1. Return the borrowed books on time.
2. Do not put the books on the self umless you know how to do.
3. Remember to bring your library card.
4. Keep your sound-making instrument silent
2006-12-03 5:33 am
1. If you have borrowed some books,you must return the books on time.
3.You may bring your library card.
我只係know this
2006-12-03 5:28 am
1. You have to return all borrowed books on time.
2. Return books to their original locations.
3. Remember to bring along with your library card.
4. Switch off your mobile phone or pager.

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